‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ A Cinematic Masterpiece(SPOILERS)

I am very glad I used this opportunity to do a movie review because “Spider-Man: No Way Home” was so incredibly good and I can’t put into words how much I loved this film. This movie was absolutely incredible and flooded me with memories from when I was little.

 I grew up with older brothers, so when I was little they made me watch all of the original Spider-Man movies with Tobey Maguire, and the originals were always my favorite. Toby Maguire is the original Spider-Man and is who started my obsession with Spider-Man as a little kid. This obsession wasn’t just mine as even before I was born, my two brothers were obsessed with Spider-Man.

Although the following Spider-Man movies with Andrew Garfield  I didn’t enjoy nearly as much mainly because they weren’t the originals. 

However, now it is Tom Holland’s turn to play Spider-Man, and I will not deny the fact that he does a really good job while I do dislike them for similar reasons as the Andrew Garfield movies. But according to Luke Patterson whom I watched the movie with, “I was skeptical at first but he does a really good job. It is also very cool to see the three interpretations of Spider-Man come together.”

However, “Spider-Man: No Way Home” was incredibly well made and the producers did a great job and although I am sure everyone would have really appreciated it if the movie was longer, I am glad that they didn’t because it probably would’ve made it feel longer than it needed to be.

The introduction of the three Spider-Man’s was the best reveal I have ever seen in a movie, it sent shivers down my spine as they appeared on screen. It was also very cool to see the dialogue between all of the three Spider-Man and how the two old ones interacted with Holland. The fun dialogue and jokes that they made are very fun and overall amplify the experience of the movie. 

As during the lab scene when Ned Leeds says “Peter” to grab Tom Holland’s attention, all of them responded. I thought this was a funny joke to make as they are all technically playing as the same character.

This could be perceived in a good way or a bad way. I say this because people who haven’t watched all of the Spider-Man movies aren’t going to understand or enjoy a lot of the screen time with Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield because they aren’t going to have the same feeling of nostalgia that those who have kept up with the Spider-Man movies would get.

As Trevor Timmons who I also watched the movie with said, “I thought it was great they included Doctor Strange and Daredevil into the movie, it made it almost like an avengers movie.” That especially goes for the battle between the two, which was absolutely insane to watch for the first time. 

Same goes for the villains in the movie. I loved that they were able to incorporate both Dr. Otto Octavius as well as the Green Goblin in the movie, both characters were recreated incredibly well. It was very cool to see both Willem Dafoe and Alfred Molina jump back into their original roles as Spider-Man villians. 

Although it was very sad to see Aunt May die, it definitely was very developmental to the story that was at hand. It also really showed the lengths that the Green Goblin was willing to go to in order to get inside Peter Parker’s head. 

Overall this movie was a wonderful experience to watch and I recommend it to anyone who’s a fan of marvel or superheroes in general. My only guidance would be that if you haven’t seen the other Spider-Man movies, you should watch them because they amplify the experience to a whole other level when you have.

One thought on “‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ A Cinematic Masterpiece(SPOILERS)

  1. alexachan54 April 28, 2022 / 1:01 pm

    I also was obsessed with Spiderman as a kid. And I know there’s a debate going around about which Spiderman has been everyone’s favorite or which actor plays the better Spiderman. I think this is somewhat unfair because there were clearly gaps in technology and of course the first Spiderman is going to have flaws that later films fix or try their own spin on. I think this is a great review of the movie. I’m a big Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland fan.


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