Mental Health of College Students

A DU student struggles with finals
[Photo by Samuel Urban, with Charles Schuham]

College can be framed as a time of change and preparation for those who have/are going through the process. The process of becoming an adult and forging a path for yourself.  Whether it be two to the four-year college experience, college can determine someone’s future path.

The college has a learning curve of learning what you are capable of before setting out with that experience and knowledge you gain. Stress and mental health can go hand in hand, especially with young adults transiting from high school and the educational requirements that come with college.

Anyone who has passed through the experience knows that it can be a time of happy memories as well as making friends and memories that can last a lifetime. From sports to parties with friends.

However, the territory it comes with is not all sunshine, and rainbows as students have to deal with various obstacles. Examples such as stress that comes with classes and homework.

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